To all the landowners that allow us to use their land, keep an eye in the mail for your voucher for a free meal at the upcoming chicken BBQ. Thank you landowners.
The Bully mounted brush cutter finally made its first laps around the trail system. Works like a charm. Thanks to all those who helped with the fabrication and install.
Club ride to P&H for this Saturday is cancelled. We will be rescheduled when we have better snow conditions. Do the snow dance...
Club meeting and pot luck 1/15 @ 6:30, West Fairlee Congregational Church basement.
As of today, we have made an opening trail clearing pass for all our class 1 trails (primary) Signage is up and big trees removed. Use caution if you venture out in this shallow cover. We hope to make a cleanup pass around the class 4 trails (secondary) for the weekend. Still not enough cover to run the groomer or brush cutter around yet.
Progressive supper ride scheduled for 1/9 will be postponed until we have better conditions.
Until we get colder temps to freeze thing up and more snow cover, trails remain closed.
January 2023